
Contact Us


location Location: Amman, Shmisani, Shaker bin Zaid street, Building No, 26

To view the map, Click here

phone Phone: +962 6 5538610

فاكس Fax: +962 6 5538243

email Email:

The Office of ID Card and Services

location Location:Amman- Arjan – Prince Raad Bin Zaid Complex – Sport College street

To view the map, Click here

phone Sub-phones:

+962 6 5663131 / +962 6 5663132 / +962 6 5663134 /+962 6 5663135 +962 6 5663136/ +962 6 5663137 /+962 6 5663138

North Liaison Office

location Location: Irbid – East of Amman - East of the new Amman Travel Complex – Behind Haleem Sweets

To view the map, Click here

phone Phone: +962 2 7249717

فاكس Fax: +962 2 7249697

South Liaison Office

location Location: Karak / Al Thanieh

To view the map, Click here

phone Phone: +962 3 2387482

phone Phone: +962 3 2352649

فاكس Fax: +962 3 2387479

Map of the main building


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