
HCD’s Directorates

The Accreditation and Quality Assurance Department

The Accreditation and Quality Assurance Department

HCD seeks to obtain international licenses that enable it to become an accreditation-granting body under an accredited license approved by the International Society for Quality in Healthcare (ISQua), The department does this by assuming a number of responsibilities, namely: issuing all accreditation standards relating to the quality of services provided to persons with disabilities; developing clinical pathways for the diagnosis of persons with disabilities and ensuring that reports that stem from specialised entities are according to the necessary standards and quality, as well as preparing and training evaluators so that they are able to contribute to the process of asserting quality and accreditation standards.


The department also manages the institutional assessments for granting accreditation licenses, so as to guarantee the existence of national institutions that are able to work efficiently and ensure that the right of persons with disabilities to benefit from quality services is upheld.

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