
HCD’s Directorates

The Independent Living Department

The Independent Living Department

Stemming from HCD’s conviction that persons with disabilities have rights, and must not be abandoned or institutionalised, but instead must be included within a family-based or community environment , HCD is working with the Ministry of Social Development to follow up on the implementation of the National Strategy for the Deinstitutionalisation of Persons with Disabilities in Jordan for the purpose of creating inclusive alternative care services, whether family-based or small group home-based, which are ultimately in the best interest of persons with disabilities.


HCD supports the creation of this system through providing support services such as implementing community-based rehabilitation programmes; inclusive day-care centres; early intervention services and the short-break service, to name a few. It is also training and rehabilitating a group of volunteers in the community, as personal assistants, who provide services to persons with disabilities at home, as one of the alternatives available to promote a system of independence for persons with disabilities within their communities.

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