
HCD’s Directorates

The Inclusive Education Department

The Inclusive Education Department

In order to ensure the right of persons with disabilities to education as guaranteed by the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Law on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities No. (20) for the Year 2017, HCD provides technical support for the proper follow-up and implementation of the 10-Year Strategy for Inclusive Education. The Ministry of Education, with HCD, has developed this plan and is following up on its implementation.


HCD is cooperating with the ministry to develop standards for educational evaluation to develop school curricula and adapt them to include the access requirements for persons with disabilities within such curricula, in line with their rights, as well as the development of disability-inclusive learning strategies, within a learning environment that is inclusive of the acceptance of difference, thereby helping to eliminate discrimination on the basis of disability.

The department also promotes the right of students with disabilities to quality education on an equal basis as those without disabilities in higher educational institutions, encouraging them to become pioneers in providing the access requirements and reasonable accommodations within educational environments in these universities, as per the reasonable accommodations guide in higher educational institutions issued by HCD. The department also follows up on establishing course schemes pertaining to the rights of persons with disabilities within course syllabuses as both optional and core requirements per the nature of the course specialty, as well as the provision of Sign language interpretation, Braille and assistive devices, and other necessary accommodations for the creation of an inclusive learning environment.

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