
Media Competition Award

media competition award aimed at presenting creative media products that contribute to raising awareness of the rights and issues of persons with disabilities and mainstreaming them into society.  


The aim of the competition:

The competition aims at spreading awareness of the rights of persons with disabilities, and motivate media professionals to address disability issues and priorities, in addition to spreading awareness among media professionals about dealing with disability issues from a human rights perspective.

Media products that can be shared:

The competition includes submitting humanitarian stories and media reports relating to the lived experiences and issues of persons with disabilities by submitting:

  • Written media products
  • Audio media products
  • Visual media products (report, videos…etc)
  • Drama productions

Contest terms and conditions:

  • Media products must be designed in accordance with the human rights approach, and competitors can use the Guide on Media Coverage of Issues of Persons with Disabilities as a reference, produced by HCD.
  • Use of rights terminology. (Applicants may refer to the aforementioned guide).
  • Refrain from addressing issues in a manner that may offend persons with disabilities.
  • Obtain the consent of the person with a disability if the story deals with a particular character.
  • Several media professionals may apply for this competition as a team, submitting a joint product.

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