
Inclusive Education by GIZ

The Project Title: Towards Effective Monitoring, Stakeholder Leadership and Community Involvement in Inclusive Education in Jordan”.

Duration: 2 years

The grant was awarded to the Higher Council for Rights of Persons with Disabilities (HCD) in fulfilling its role within the first 2 components of the IEAP- Policies and Legislation and Media, Awareness and Advocacy.

In January 2020, the Higher Council for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (HCD) and the Ministry of Education (MoE) launched the 10-Year Strategy for Inclusive Education (IES) in Jordan. The strategy aimed to reduce exclusion policies and practices and institutionalize inclusive education as an inherent right based on the principles of equity and equal opportunities. The goal was to enrol 10% of school-aged children with disabilities in mainstream schools by 2031, while providing them with all the requirements of inclusive education. To ensure the successful implementation and monitoring of the IES, the MoE and HCD drafted a 3-Year Inclusive Education Action Plan with clear objectives that all relevant stakeholders will adhere to within a specified timeframe, through effective collaboration to achieve the desired goals.

In the area of Inclusive Education, HCD, in coordination with MOE, has assumed the lead in drafting both the IES and the IEAP, with the involvement of all key stakeholders, including GIZ. HCD also seeks to ensure that all activities within components 1 and 2 of the IEAP are effectively implemented as these interventions are the foundation of all other activities within the IEAP –focusing as they do on the targeted communities and their contextual understanding of, and interaction with, awareness-raising and advocacy related interventions.

HCD worked in close collaboration with the Ministry of Education, schools, and the school community, as well as the network of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in the Kingdom. Families and students will also be valuable contributors, as will the experts in the field.



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