
Equal Opportunity Commission

The formation of the Equal Opportunities Committee is a translation of the spirit and principles of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Law No. (20) of 2017, which is based on the methodology of combating discrimination and prohibiting exclusion on the basis of or because of disability. The Equal Opportunities Committee is one of the distinct and unique redress mechanisms that plays the role of facilitator and technical support between the job seeker and the worker or employee of persons with disabilities on the one hand or the employer on the other hand, by verifying the complaints submitted by everyone who faces... Discrimination or exclusion on the basis of disability from governmental and non-governmental employers.

In the same direction, the Equal Opportunities Committee represents the technical reference for job seekers and workers with disabilities and for various employers, by providing information and expertise related to providing facilitative arrangements and accessibility at various stages of employment or employment.

Article (14), Paragraph (A) of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Law No. (20) of 2017 included the legislative basis for the formation of the Equal Opportunities Committee and the membership of its various bodies, as it stipulated: A committee called (Equal Opportunities Committee) shall be formed in the Council, headed by the Secretary-General and membership of:

• A representative of the Ministry of Labor.

• A representative of the Civil Service Bureau.

• A representative of the Jordan Chamber of Commerce.

• A representative of the Jordan Chamber of Industry.

• A representative of the Jordanian Federation of Trade Unions.

• Three representatives from the private sector.

• Three persons with disabilities who have experience related to the committee’s tasks are persons with disabilities.

• A representative of the National Center for Human Rights nominated by its Commissioner-General.


Paragraph (c) of the same article also clarifies the tasks and powers of the Equal Opportunities Committee by stating that:

Receiving complaints related to discrimination based on or because of disability in the field of work, verifying them, and settling them with the relevant authorities.

 Issuing technical reports related to providing reasonable accommodation in the work environment based on a written request from the individuals or concerned business entities.

 Exchanging information and experiences with the Ministry of Labor, the Civil Service Commission, the private sector and other relevant parties to enhance the involvement and integration of persons with disabilities in the labor market.

 Cooperating with the Council, the Ministry of Labor, the Civil Service Commission, and employers in issuing guidelines and awareness bulletins related to the requirements for enhancing the right of persons with disabilities to work.

  Any other tasks assigned by the President.”

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