
Assessment of Sign Language for Deaf Students by KOICA

Project Title: “Assessment of Sign Language on Primary and Secondary Deaf Students and Those of Hard of Hearing”

Funded by: The Korea International Cooperation Agency

Project Duration:2 years

The project seeks to assess the status quo of academic Sign Language in primary education and secondary education.

The Project aims to study the means of developing sign Language and ways to improve the Deaf Education System in Jordan and to bridge the gap in order to provide all students with good quality education, and become productive, well–educated citizens. There are currently 12 schools for the deaf and hard of hearing in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, two of which are private schools and 10 governmental schools. All 10 government schools have the name “Al Amal” and are located in different regions throughout Jordan. As a result, Children and students with and without disabilities will benefit from the project since the project concept will enable the deaf and hard-of-hearing community to become functional and contributing members of society.

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