
“No Woman Left Behind. Gender Based-Violence and disability: turning vulnerability into ability” Project

AIDOS Associazione Italiana Donne per lo Sviluppo –

Italian Association for women in development

AIDOS is an association registered with RUNTS (Registro Nazionale Terzo Settore), is registered in the list of non-profit Civil Society Organizations of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), has consultative status with ECOSOC, is an implementing partner of UNFPA and of UNHCR Italy works mainly in the sectors of education, health, training and protection of the rights of women and girls in developing countries to encourage their empowerment and promote gender equality.

AIDOS has been present in Jordan since 1996 with emergency and development programs for reproductive health and the fight against sexual and gender violence, the protection of refugees and the economic empowerment of women, carried out in partnership with Jordanian civil society organizations, with the National Council for Family Affairs (NCFA) and the Higher Council for the rights of persons with disabilities (HCD).

AIDOS has been officially registered in the country since January 2018.

In over 25 years of presence in Jordan, AIDOS and its partners have implemented pilot projects through qualified staff training, with the aim of creating sustainable and lasting experiences beyond the conclusion of the projects and introducing innovative approaches into the work of the Jordanian organization.

Regarding emergency projects:

- From May 2021 to August 2022, AIDOS (Italian Association for women in development) was the lead of the project "Disability, sexual and gender violence and COVID emergency in Jordan: integrated response for protection and prevention" AID 11731.02 co-financed by AICS-Amman and implemented in partnership with the Institute for Family Health (IFH) of Noor al Hussein Foundation (NHF) and in collaboration with the Higher Council for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (HCD). The project aimed to promote access of refugee people and host communities with disabilities to integrated and inclusive services for the prevention and protection from sexual and gender-based violence (GBV) in the COVID context; strengthen the Jordanian response in providing such services and increase community involvement and awareness of the interrelationship between GBV and disability.

- In April 2023, AIDOS started the implementation of the 15 months project “No Woman Left Behind. Gender Based-Violence and disability: turning vulnerability into ability” AID 11731.03 co-financed by AICS-Amman and implemented in partnership with Vento di Terra (VdT), Durrat al Manal for Development and Training (DMDT), the Arab Women Organization (AWO) and in collaboration with the Higher Council for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (HCD) and the Ministry of Social Development (MOSD). The project aims to improve the quality of life of women with disability at risk and/or survivors of GBV among Syrian Refugees and vulnerable Jordanians and is implemented in the Governorates of Amman and Mafraq. The activities are curried out in ITS in Mafraq, and in protection homes in Amman; with the participation of the IFH health clinics in Zarqa.

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